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Reforger Commo
Ft Campbell Ky to Germany

During one of my assignments with the 101st Airborne Division, I was given the additional duties of coordinating maintenance problems with the division units deployed to Germany for Reforger in 1976.

During these duties, I met the guys that had setup the HF Radio site on FT Campbell to maintain commo with the deployed troops in Germany. With me being a Ham Radio Operator, this was very interesting to me. I was given a tour of the site, which was located in a large field, where FT Campbell Hospital is now located at.

The site was run by the 11th Signal Command, and consisted of a Receiver Shelter, a Transmitter Shelter, a 200 KW Generator, and 2 towers, with a Slopping V antenna on one, and a Log Periodic antenna on the other. The transmitter shelter held the Amplifier, that was capable of 10 KW continuous duty in digital modes, and much more than that in SSB use. The OIC showed me a spare tube for the amp, and it was one of those huge metal ceramic ones that has built in handles in the top. The LP antenna was very large, with the rear elements long enough to allow it to operate down in the 2 Mhz range.

I had not been a Ham very long at this time, and it began my interest in Antennas and Propagation. I had several other assignments after this, that combined Ham Radio and my Army Assignment, which allowed me to gain experience and knowledge for both.

  My Time in the Army     My Other Hobby 

  My Future 40m Yagi     My Picture Page  

    Tools for the DXer       My Guestbook   

        Ham Shack Lightning Protection      

        Prevent Operating Out of Band        

         Selecting a Logging Program         

           Operating QRP from Korea          

         My QRZ Page